ID Web Service

The ID web service helps with generating unique identity strings.

General Info

The service supports both POST and GET requests. Nevertheless, POST requests are highly recommended for security reasons.

The responses will be in JSON format. JSONP format also supported.

Get Human Micro ID

You can get a human readable micro ID using the following endpoint

Get Human Nano ID

Generates a time based unique id with nano seconds precission. No dashes. 23 digits - YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS-MMMMMM-NNN

You can get a human readable nano ID using the following endpoint

Get Human UUID

A human friendly, numbers only UUID, which has the nano seconds precision ID and 9 random digits to insure uniqueness YYYY-MMDD-HHMM-SSMM-MMMM-NNNR-RRRR-RRRR

You can get a human readable UUID using the following endpoint